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Event Details

    Learn How Byron Schools is Increasing Workforce Engagement

    Date: April 19, 2012, 11:15am – 1:00pm
    Jennifer Walsh
    Americas Best Value Inn & Suites (formerly La Quinta Inn)
    1625 S Broadway · Rochester
    (507) 281-2211
    Event Type:
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    Jennifer Walsh has been the Business Manager at Byron Schools since October 2007 where part of her focus has been increasing workforce engagement.  Prior to that she was the General Manager at Gunflint Lodge in northern Minnesota for over 20 years. She is a graduate of Indiana University with a degree in Marketing.

    Employee Engagement-  At Byron Schools we have spent considerable time the past year using a variety of methods to increase the staff's engagement in the district's vision and mission.  At this presentation we will share our journey and how we recognize and reward those who exceed expectations.

    1)  The correlation between engagement and satisfaction
    2)  The importance of two-way communication
    3)  Reward and recognition programs



    11:00 AM – 11:20 AM:    Unstructured Networking (mix and mingle, share and trade successes and challenges)

    11:20 AM - 11:30 AM: Planned Networking Activity (prepare to have some fun!)

    11:30 AM – Noon: Buffet Lunch (the lunch selection is great so make sure to enjoy the buffet)

    11:50 AM Announcements

    Noon – 1:00 PM: Presentation (prepare to be informed and amazed)

    Fee Schedule for Monthly Meetings/Presentations:

    Members including the lunch buffet: $15.00

    Members for Presentation only: $7.00

    Non-Members including the lunch buffet: $20.00

    Non-Members for Presentation only: $10.00

    First Time Visitors: No Charge, the lunch buffet and presentation is our gift to you.

    Special note on the RHRA Cancellation Policy: Cancellation of meeting registration(s) must be received by RHRA at least 48 business hours prior to the time of the event to avoid charges. Registrations not cancelled 48 hours in advance will incur full charges as a "No Show".


    These presentation s and any materials are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or HR advice. Please consult your Legal representative before using or implementing any of the processes or information contained herein.