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    5th Annual Engaged Ethics Conversation

    Date: February 23, 2021, 4:30pm – 6:00pm
    WSU College of Business
    Virtual Zoom Meeting
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    You are invited to attend the 5th Annual Engaged Ethics Conversation. The Engaged Ethics Conversation (EEC) is an annual event that brings together students, faculty, and members of the community for an insightful and thought-provoking conversation on personal and professional ethics. Designed to give audience members an up-close and personal look at both ethical and unethical behavior from a variety of viewpoints, the goal of the event is to reinforce support for ethical decision-making across the curriculum. The EEC format is a moderated discussion with multiple speakers who would not usually share a stage, but each have unique perspectives on ethics. Audience members are encouraged to participate in the conversation.  The 2021 theme is Diversity and Inclusion as an Ethical Imperative. Many organizations include statements about diversity in their mission statements and workplace policies. However, converting from an organizational strategy to a crucial mindset is another matter entirely. Learn what it takes to go from saying it to living out inclusive practices.

    Join the Conversation live on Feb. 23 from 4:30-6pm CST on Zoom. Please register for the webinar in advance. Once registered for the event, you will receive a link to the webinar. Submit questions on Twitter or Facebook using #WSUEngagedEthics or via Zoom while watching the event live. More information can be found on the EEC website: